Artist Statement

My self- belief and conviction as an artist perpetuates a compulsion to create. Art questions and explores thoughts and perceives elements unexplored and intangible. These reflections, when cohesively introspected upon, fuse into composites on my canvas. Aspects of collective dimensions of  images ever evolving are embodied into the process of my art. 

Assimilation of my sojourns as a constant in my life, have created an inspiration of cross-cultural and non-linear experiences.  Integrally related to this, is an emanation of intersections, natural,  arrow like precise and accidental. I comprehend these as a ubiquitous presence in a world of globalization, wars, unrest and an attempted synchronicity between people, ideologies and culture. 

In different places, I feel a sense of otherness that creates objectivity with an underlying spiritual sensibility. Consequently, I build an inner dynamic with each place and absorb the nurturing offered.  The accrued patterns and rhythms  manifest themselves as an opus in this tumultuous yet  mystifying world. As a corollary, the personal is transformed into an expression that resonates beyond the immediate. 

My observations begin in silence. This aspect as a point of genesis emerges in my work like a palimpsest where I comprehensively author each layer of facets that offer moments of clarity. With the rearrangement of emotions, intellectual spaces and physical locations arises an artistic narrative that shapes borderless cartographies notwithstanding that each space evolves from  its  own distinctive bedrock. 

As I listen to silences of my perception the space emerges as an alignment of phenomena, time, place, momentum, and memory. Colors to me are a timeline of the inner self, being constantly renewable into vigorous syntheses. It is this chromatic protagonist that leads and lends texture and substance to my work. 


Sudipta Choudhry